A Letter From My Love
My darling husband, Phillip, underwent a major surgery ~ what was to be a 3-hour surgery turned into over 5 hours because of complications.
I was very scared.
But the support from our family, friends and community was overwhelming – letters, e-mails, prepared dinners, child care, phone calls, hospital visits, you name it, people were there.
Because of this incredible support, he wrote a long letter to everyone when he was finally home recuperating – I’d like to share a part of it with you now.
When I married Phillip, he was a widower. He knows the deep heartache of losing one’s spouse.
This letter will give you an idea of why I love this man so much. Why it was so easy to fall in love with him instantly and marry him after only being in his company 46 days.
My Dear Friends,
These last few weeks have been quite daunting for me. Thankfully, when it comes to surgeries, I do not get fazed. If it needs to be done, get on with, just get it right.
My deep concern has been for my wonderful wife, Bianca, and for my children. Should anything go wrong with the surgery, frankly, I wouldn’t know a thing about it.Â
But I know, only too well, the pain left behind for loved ones when the unexpected happens and your spouse is suddenly gone.
Without going into too much detail, the operation ran to almost twice its planned time; the surgeon told me it was the most complicated case he’d ever seen in his career.
During all this time, I needed to prepare myself physically, and most importantly, mentally for a speedy recovery.
Also during this time, Bianca was preparing so she could help me get through this. So many of you overwhelmed us with your help, your kind words, your compassion and your prayers. I am thankful for your concern for my health and for Bianca’s well-being. We are truly blessed to have friends as great as each and every one of you.
What has gone unseen during this time is the enormous amount of stress this has put on Bianca.
She has kept on the brave face, looked after the kids, looked after me, and made the house extra welcoming and cozy for my recuperation.
But I see the pain in her face at the thought that something horrible could have happened.
I cannot bear to see my beautiful wife suffer after the amount of goodness she has brought into my life.
I love her more than life itself and if I spend the rest of my life loving her as much as she has loved me, I will still not be able to repay her in full.
I truly am THE luckiest man on the planet to have found such an incredible person to share my life with.
Thank you,
The Bright Spot  – my friend, Susan, told me about a quote she heard and I love its truth, “The greatest gift a father can give his children is loving their mother.”