Immigrants, Aliens & the All-American Girl
My parents were immigrants.
My husband is an immigrant.
My cousins are immigrants. My friends are immigrants. They all came here seeking the American dream.
My parents became citizens, started with nothing and worked day & night to make that dream a reality.
American-born, they taught my sister and me to honor this country to the core, fly the flag and pledge our alligence. My parents are the greatest patriots I know and I’m proud to be an All-American Girl. We are teaching our children the same rooted values and love of this great nation. When I was selected as Miss Connecticut to represent my native state in the Miss America, I was very honored. (See “Our Photos” above for Miss CT pics, or click on “My TV Website” in the navigation bar above for more related news/videos/press releases & charitable work as Miss Connecticut.)
For Memorial Day, we went with our children & friends to the Intrepid aircraft carrier in New York City.
It’s Fleet Week and NYC is electric!
My Mom was excited about the Intrepid – she told me that on its LAST voyage around the world in 1971, it docked in Portugal, England, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Denmark, Scotland & Norway & she told me that she took me on the Intrepid in 1971 in Kiel, Germany with my Grandfather & we all had a wonderful time & she remembered it well. I don’t remember, I was little, but how cool is that!Â
We honored the young…
…and our elders who fought years ago for our freedoms like this World War II fighter pilot who flew this very plane!!
It was a very special day to remember.
Then we headed to Mars. We took a space shuttle and landed on the Red Planet.
Some of us were ready to meet the Aliens…
…and clearly, some of us were not!
                         (I mean, really, what is up with Phillip here????)
The Bright SpotTM  – And to top off this marvelous day, this All-American Girl threw caution to the wind when it came to boring, ole calories and I ate my All-American apple pie with whipped cream…oh, yes, AND the Boston Cream pie – hey, if you’re going to indulge, do it right! Yum!!
For an awesome look at our phenomenal history, watch “America: The Story of Us” – a 12-part series, action-packed, incredibly edited, unbelievably riveting, a powerhouse epic - you will be amazed in the 1st minute of the series, I promise. God Bless America!!!!

Soft Hands, Warm Heart, Now that is Strength!
Teach your children to be kind to animals, to use gentle hands and soft voices. A respect of nature and the world we live in will always serve them well.
Meet our newest furry baby from the shelter. Her name is Purr.
The examples we set as adults have profound effects on our children. The way they treat each other and other living beings they learn from you.
It’s easy to be tough, cool and sometimes even mean, but to be big & strong and still kind and loving, now that’s a real gift! A treasure for a lifetime for all who receive that love.
The Bright Spot – I am proud of my children, my husband and my parents. Thank you, Mom & Dad, for giving me the gift of Soft Hands, Warm Heart. You were the greatest teachers and I love you!!

It is not about hamburgers!
The Bright Spot – that there are brave people willing to give up their lives to save ours and our freedoms. God Bless America!

My Mom-Shirt Says It All!
Awakened by the sounds of supressed giggles & loud shhhushhing, the aroma of 24 roses and strawberry-cream chocolates, the sizzle of bacon, scrambled eggs & smoked salmon, the juiciness of a delightfully sweet fruit bouquet, and the sparkle of a gorgeous diamond droplet necklace, it was actually my new Mother’s Day t-shirt that said it all:  Â
Thank you to my dear husband for noticing…you know…how exhausted active Moms are!! Hahahahahaha!!!
But really, above and beyond all else, the cuddles & snuggles of my wonderful children, the sumputous kiss from my incredible husband, the birthday hats, the Mother’s Day song, the handmade cards & gifts created with such care,Â
& the pure joy of sharing breakfast in bed as a family was the best Mother’s Day gift of all!
A Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms out there – now go put your feet up!! 🙂
The Bright Spot  – remember as you plow through the fog on a particularly tiring day – exhausted because everything you do is for your family because you love them so much, go ahead and take a moment to grab your kids and snuggle the daylights out of them, because time is short and those are the moments you’ll remember…not the dishes, not the laundry, but the special cuddle, the eskimo kisses, the sweet memories. Then go take a little time for yourself…the laundry will still be there when you get back!

Pixie Dust & Dolphin Kisses
Nothing can take the place of wonder & awe in a small child’s eyes.
Think back to a time when everything you believed in was true & sweet & simply pure magic.
 (3 years old)
Our little one just turned 6 ~ celebrate with us in this photo journey and thank you to everyone who has sent such lovely e-mails ~ I have shared every one with her!
It all started with a trip to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique: choice of gown, hair in a princess bun with shimmering pixie dust, a wand, glass slippers, and a beautiful sparkling wishing star.
Cinderella had just finished dancing with Prince Charming…Sleeping Beauty & Snow White.Â
The Fairy Godmother greeted Little Petal and her Baby Bambi at the door.
                 Following her gown presentation in the dressing room…
 …it was time to transform into a little princess. Hair, nails, the whole royal treatment for Little Petal and her Baby Bambi – who was also sprinkled with pixie dust and given a matching crystal cheek applique.
Then it was time to meet Cinderella and have lunch with her in her castle!
 Cinderella enjoyed meeting Baby Bambi.
Snow White, Belle, Ariel and Sleeping Beauty made our little princess feel extra special, too!
After making a big wish on her birthday candle and a wonderful farewell hug from Cinderella,
we enjoyed the Magic Kingdom where dreams really do come true…
…because the next morning, Little Petal awoke to the news that her dream of swimming with dolphins was about to come true!! (For more on her incredible love of sea animals, go to the story “Harmony & Magic,” posted on November 3, 2010)
 We spent a beautiful day at Discovery Cove swimming with sting rays, swimming through an aviary – protected by 2 waterfalls…and Little Petal’s favorite – swimming with a very sweet dolphin named Jenny – what an amazing experience!
The Bright SpotTMÂ – Creating memories with your family, for in the end, all we have are our memories.