This month marks the anniversary of Daddy’s passing. It’s been many years now, but I can still picture that shocking moment like it was yesterday. Sudden, unexpected, heartbreaking.
I grieved deeply, crying a sea of sorrow…and I emerged strong, sturdy and resilient. Why?
Well, there are two main reasons. The first is because he was the most incredible father in the world to my sister and me and gave us unconditional love, time, tenderness and devotion.
The second reason dates back to when I was in college. His mother passed away and sometime later I was talking to him and asked him how he was not falling apart.
My father, one of seven children, said, “Although you haven’t seen my tears and pain, my parents raised me to be strong and independent; they gave me wings so one day I could start my own family and teach my children to be independent and give them wings. If I fell apart, my mother’s teachings would have failed, and there I will not fail her. That is completely different to my emotions which I feel deeply.â€
                                                  So sometimes, especially the years close to when my father passed away, those poignant feelings would pierce my heart, but I wouldn’t fall apart, because that would fail him.
He gave me wings and I am blessed to be a mother now having the honor to teach my own children to be strong, loving future adults with wings.
Daddy’s legacy is indelible. And this lesson is true: Be present with your children. Of course you love them, but give them 100% of your attention, be truly present. You know, push the swing without the handheld…rather than texting someone who’s not there, focus on the one who is there – the person who thinks you’re the world! The person you are giving wings to.
The Bright SpotTM – Daddy was kind & generous, and loved by his community. He was laid to rest on Valentine’s Day…appropriate for a man with such a big heart. To read all about my father’s story & see one of my *favorite pictorials*, click right here:
I miss you, Daddy, here’s to you!   xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxo

But the Best Part was~~~
We recently got together with relatives to enjoy a refreshing stay in the majestic White Mountains of New Hampshire.
We shared a lovely home that slept 12, the views were spectacular and the kids enjoyed the indoor pool after long days hiking & caving…then they roasted marshmallows before bedtime.
We took in breathtaking sights at the Lost River with its powerful waterfalls, explored glacial gorges and admired the red-covered bridge from the 1800s along the Flume.
Dinners were scrumptious and the hospitality of the residents was delightfully warm & inviting. Aaahhh, it all sounds perfect…but do you know what the BEST PART was…
…when we went on a shopping spree that yielded the most unbelieveable savings: Phillip bought 2 pairs of leather shoes and a pair of cozy black suede boots valued at $200.00 for $3.97!!!!!
Yup! He handed the cashier a 5 dollar bill and smiled cheekily when she handed him change!
Turns out that there was a sale on top of a sale with an online coupon that he pulled up on his phone at the last minute and when all was said and done, the shoes were $3.97! Yahhhhooooeee!! Nothing feels better than a bargain!
 Hey, someone lose their glasses?!?! LOL!!