The Dulcimer~Giving the Gift of Music
Our daughter just turned 7. For years, she’s always had an amazing ability to hear a tune on the stereo or radio & walk over to her keyboard, working out the song while she hums softly to herself.
The other day my dulcimer sprung to mind. Tucked away for years, I thought what better gift than to pass along this cherished and beautiful rosewood & mahogany instrument ~ custom made for me to every delicate specification. Sure enough, within 15 minutes she figured out Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on her own.
Here is a quick 2-minute video of me playing the dulcimer years back…then the video transitions into just the other day when our daughter opened the case for the 1st time. We play Twinkle together that 1st hour with Dad proudly videotaping & at the end of this clip, she is playing the dulcimer for Grandma in England via Skype delighted with her special gift. Yes, very exciting for Mama, indeed. Thanks for sharing!  xo~b

Zumba Kicks It!
My sister loves Mexico. She lived in Puerto Vallarta for years while dating a Grammy award-winning rock star; she learned the language, loves the music & culture, learned to cook traditional cuisine and can tear up the dance floor.
She’s always been daring & adventuresome whether hopping in her open-topped Jeep Wrangler driving thousands of miles from New York > Puerto Vallarta, or hopping out of airplanes.
I visited her many times in Mexico, especially the years I lived in Texas, and we spent many a night shakin’ our thang to the beat of night music at the clubs along the famous malecon – the seaside promenade.
My sister’s always been more athletic than me. So it is no wonder that when Zumba came on the scene, there she was rippin it up every day, begging me to join her.
It’s taken months but I finally joined her today. I learned I’m not as young as I used to be (yes, to the right is the “then” in Mexico, the couch pic below is the “now” LOL!)
We have a tendency in our family to jump headfirst into everything with zeal and passion and exhuberance.
But somehow my freespirited soul didn’t tell my back that. Or my knee or my butt.
That’s right – Zumba kicked my butt!!
I came home aching & aaahhing and did what I love to do nowadays more than ever – hang out with my kids and put my feet UP!
The Bright SpotTM – I love my couch!