What You Give The World Gets
“The love you take is equal to the love you make,” oh, how I love this passage from The Beatles!
Like sponges, with unconditional love, your children will not only pass your love back to you a million-fold, but to their children and to the world. Ode to a good, ole fashioned snuggle!!
They are the mirrors of your life…set the examples of love, kindness, gentleness,
They are the Superheros to each other…
And with love…
and understanding…
they will blossom into giving and nurturing young folks.
Snuggle your children and it will come back to you and the world many times over.
The Bright Spot – the natural and giving nature of children.
Such a joy! So grab your kids and snuggle away!! And watch the sun shine in your life with smiles!