The Dauntless Chronicles ~ Teen Interview
#1 International Bestseller in 2 categories and #1 US Bestseller & #1 Hot New Release in 3 categories on Amazon ~ The Dauntless Chronicles!! Written by two 14-year-olds, this multi-planetary, multicultural universe is filled with epic adventure & young romance as narrated from the perspective of teen aliens who crash land on Earth.
From exceptional technical descriptions of the spacecraft, locomotive and ships, and from dragons to ice planets, war to secret missions, these young teen coauthors produced riveting plot twists, intense action and suspenseful turns while incorporating the powerful themes of family, friendship, loyalty, and love.
An exciting escapade & intergalactic treasure for readers of all ages! The Dauntless Chronicles – Book 1 (454 pages) – go to for more info or to submit FanArt!!
Willow & Anthony talk about worldbuilding & lore, gods & goddesses, etc., in this short interview:

After ziplining at Niagara Falls (click here for video: Niagara), we said goodbye to Ontario, Canada & headed 3 hours south to the Benn Conger Inn, a gorgeous Colonial built in 1921 for State Senator Conger in Tompkins County, New York, winery country.
Owners Peter Zon & Douglas Yurubi greeted us warmly upon our arrival after 9:30pm with local wine for Phillip and a cozy place for us to eat a late dinner. The stories we shared, the majesty of the house & their divine breakfast made for a memorable stay & wishes for an expeditious return!
Peter & Doug organized a lovely boat trip on the Skaneateles River in Onondaga County, a rural community in the Finger Lakes Region. Skaneateles is an Iroquois term meaning “long lake,†16 miles long, 315’ deep!
The captain’s tour of spectacular mansions and their prestigious owners captivated us all.
Afterwards, we toured the historic Sherwood Inn, circa 1800, followed by a hearty dinner at a pub before our daughter purchased exquisite handcrafted art pieces from the enchanting Skaneateles Artisan’s Gallery Under the Old Stone Mill.
(Credits: Skaneateles Artisans Under the Old Stone Mill & Benn Conger Inn)
The Bright Spot – The tranquility was revitalizing and seeing the famous portrait of Madame X, Virginie Amélie Avegno Gautreau, in person was delightful!!
Oil on canvas, 1884
Below is my brochure & the painting can be see above over the main staircase.
(Credit: The Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Positively Me!
The Positively Me program offered to 3rd grade girls to boost confidence, teach assertiveness & expression, and offer strategies to prevent bullying was positively fantastic!
Offered free by the Junior League of Greenwich, this intensive 2-day event encourages new friendships while the girls develop strength and resilience through skits & role playing, dance, journaling & thoughtful conversations about the painful consequences of bullying.
Why 3rd grade?
Unfortunately, bullying is starting earlier & earlier; it’s a topic Phillip & I have covered often over the past 15 Seasons on our parenting radio show “Let’s Talk!” currently on WGCH, formerly on WSTC & WNLK. (All shows are                          (All shows are archived on this site.)
One of our popular recurrent guests and parenting experts, Dr. Michelle Anthony, experienced something similar with her little 2nd grade daughter. That painful situation prompted her to co-author Little Girls Can Be Mean – 4 Steps to Bully-Proof Girls in the Early Grades.
Positively Me: only 4 sessions per year, 36 girls per session. The program has run for 5 years and waiting lists get longer year after year. It was marvelous to see the girls beaming each evening at pick-up, full of laughter and stories and joy.
They brought home beautiful button bracelets that matched button cards where each color represented something special, drawings/writings/self-portraits in their special journals, t-shirts with signatures of each participant, water bottles, sparkly feather pens, tote bags with the adorable Positively Me logo and mountains of coping skills to nip future snafus in the bud!Â
The program taught them to take pride in themselves and their accomplishments; achieve great things; stand up for what they believe in and to be Positively Me!
The girls had a special visit from a martial arts Sensei (master) who had them write their greatest fear on a wooden board and then he taught each girl how to smash through that wood with their bare hands…breaking through their fear. That was a popular activity! Other events included a yoga class, pajama party and crafting dog toys to donate to Adopt-A-Dog.
It is no wonder this program continues to grow and expand.
The Bright SpotTM  – A poem – with permission from our 8-year-old - to share with you written in her Positively Me journal:
LOVE is my Guardian
When Days like Today Get in my Way,
Positively Me Snippet