My Caped Crusader
Whether my dear husband is busy
at Gotham City’s Sherry-Netherland’s Doubles on 5th Ave sweeping ladies off their feet…
or me off mine…
… giving speeches
or playing Cricket…
chillin’ or racing
giving sweet baby kisses
and super Daddy hugs…
…corporate by weekday and
Hearth Warrior by weekend
(God, I love those legs!)
…and whether he’s playing peacefully or keeping the peace,
up in the sky or under water,
dressed up…
dressed down, OR…
barely dressed…
Phillip is funny and
great fun to be around.
A wonderful father,
an animal lover and protector,
a loving husband and great friend to all who know him, I am proud to be his wife, his lifelong partner, his other half.
I’m also proud to work together as co-hosts on our Live radio show, “Let’s Talk!” about Life, Love and Parenting archived on this site after each show for your listening convenience.
The Bright Spot – I could not think of a better person to take this life journey with! Take a moment to think of all the reasons you love your special someone and go give that person a big kiss! I’ve just finished this story and am looking for my Batman, my Caped Crusader, my darling to give him a big smooch! đ b

Pumpkin Henge
“Do you smell that, Mommy?” I wasn’t smelling anything, I was heading into Party City for a dolphin balloon, last errand of the evening, my mind racing with the day’s events. “Smell what, Honey,” I asked, clutching her little, warm hand in mine as we weavedĂÂ through the busy parking lot.
I stopped immediately between the safety of parked cars and looked at her. “What do you smell?” She looked up at me and then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “The smokey smell in the crisp air, that smokiness you smell when fireplaces crackle and leaves fall gently outside and we get costumes for Halloween and then the holidays begin!” Then she opened her eyes and smiled serenely.
WhatĂÂ a simple delight when we stop everythingĂÂ and listen to our children. When we halt our harried lives and smell the air around us. Yes, just stop and breathe.ĂÂ
We took the kids to a 150-year-old farm for hayridesĂÂ & pumpkin picking, corn mazes and strawberry fields…forever…
The girls worked hard creating their very ownĂÂ Pumpkin Henge:
After 20 years, I’m turning in my Marilyn outfit to match ourĂÂ daughterĂÂ as “princess &ĂÂ queen”
as weĂÂ helpĂÂ coordinate this year’s Fall Festival and organize theĂÂ costume parade with Batman.
Oh, I doĂÂ love my Batman! ĂÂ Click here for more about my very own Caped Crusader:
The Bright SpotTM ĂÂ ĂÂ – It’s not just roses we have to slow down for, smell the Autumn, too. đ