Sunday, May 10, 2015 by
Our 9-year-old led us on a 14-mile bike ride to the Freedom Tower on Mother’s Day.
7 miles down Manhattan Island & 7 back along the Henry Hudson River South Waterfront Bike Path in sunny 75 degree weather.
As we rode along New York City’s beautiful path, we enjoyed an air display, basketball games, families picnicing at the many parks on the water, the famous ballerina statue, the Intrepid, Concorde & space shuttle, views of the George Washington Bridge & distant Tappan Zee, and best of all…discovering a mama bird feeding her newborns on Mother’s Day in a blossoming tree!! Breathtaking!! (precious video below)

After stopping for ice cream, we enjoyed a lovely dinner and then Phillip gave me one of the most wonderful, thoughtful gifts ever!! Ever!!
To put into perspective how special this Mother’s Day gift was to me, may I just say that one year, he surprised me with a beautiful Mercedes convertible in the driveway; another year, matching silver Mercedes’ with huge green bows. Yes, those were exciting.
But the gift he gave me this evening made my eyes tear & my heart swell! I’ll explain at the end of this story.

Stopping for ice cream after the 14th mile:

Mama Bird & her babies:
Okay, so this was Phillip’s gift. A few days earlier, we saw this sign at Nordstrom’s. WOW is exciting for us because it’s our daughter’s initials. Flipped upside down, it spells MOM.Phillip carved this WOW~MOM sign for me from a block of wood. A handmade gift is the best gift of all to me and the meaning behind it was heartwarming & made with love and thought.               What an amazing husband, I love you, Darling. Thank you!!Those magenta-orange-pastel-sherbet colors are some of my favorite hues & it will be painted those colors soon.Â
One of the best Mother’s Days ever (2014)!!Today’s 2015 Mother’s Day was just as delightful!
After breakfast & celebrations, we snapped pics under a very significant tree, then Phillip & the kids surprised me with an afternoon of painting together at Pinot Palette in New York, followed by dinner with my Mom.
For more on my Mom, just click: MomFor more on my Mother-in-Law, click: GraceThank you for sharing. And thank you to my family, I love you all!!      Â

The Bright Spot – Celebrating Moms Everywhere – Happy Mother’s Day!!!!
Tags: ballerina, ballerina statue, Bianca Tyler's Mother's Day, blossoming tree, blossoming trees, blossoms, bright spot, celebrating Moms, celebrating women, celebration, Chelsea Piers, child, children, Concorde, daddy, daughter, dreams, family, family time together, feeding baby birds, Freedom Tower, George Washington Bridge, giving, happy families, happy family, Happy Mother's Day, heart, Henry Hudson, Henry Hudson Highway, Henry Hudson River, holiday, home life, hugs, husband, ice cream, Intrepid, Intrepid Air and Space Museum, Intrepid Museum, kids, kindness, Life, love, lover, Mama Bird, Mama Bird and Babies, mama bird and newborn babies, mama bird feeds babies, Manhattan, Manhattan Island, marriage, Mercedes, Mercedes convertible, mom bird feeds baby birds, Mother's Day, New York, New York City, Nordstrom, Nordstrom's, nurturing, paint, painting, Parenting, Pinot Palette, present, romance, sherbet, snuggles, son, son & daughter, son and daughter, South Waterfront Bike Path, Space Shuttle, Spring, Tappan Zee, Tappan Zee Bridge, thankfulness
Filed under Babes, Tots & Teens, Momversations, Tea & Talk, Tea, Talk & Momversations
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