A Foundation for Happy Siblings

Monday, September 2, 2024 by  

People often ask me how at 13 years apart our children are so close, so bonded, so happy as siblings, so thoughtful with one another.

From the moment we told our 8th grade son I was pregnant, we made his comfort level & happiness our #1 priority.

I told him he would be her Superhero Big Brother! I also pointed out that the 

benefit of the huge age gap was that there would be no sibling rivalry ever – she would never want his big teen guy stuff & he would never want her tea sets and Barbies. It was just easy from the very beginning.

I also put him in charge of the baby shower gift registry. Phillip showed him how to use the zapper in the baby section at Toys R Us. He took great pride in our confidence of his decision-making as he compared & contrasted each item. We also let him zap a few goodies for himself so he felt extra special, too!

The baby shower was a big party not just for ladies – we had family, friends…girls, guys, kids. We three opened the packages later that evening. Phillip read the cards, I wrote the list of names & we had our son open the packages. It was exciting because every present was so beautiful and HE chose each item himself. When he found a bonus package here and there for 

himself, it was like a birthday or holiday. We made that shower so fun for him.

The following day, he & Dad built the crib, changing table, bassinet, play sets & anything else that needed assembling. Our son felt accomplished & connected!

On the day of her birth, he waited with my Doula, opening a surprise gift from his soon-arriving baby sister. He spent the time reading the instructions for his new IPod & testing all the cool features! What a sister!

When he first held the baby, he noted how tiny & delicate she was. He was in awe.

bright spot flowerThe Bright Spot – Our son has lived up to his incredibly important role as Superhero Big Brother! He was there for each milestone & helped teach her how to walk, go down a slide, tie her shoes & zip her coat. He saw her 1st missing tooth, took her on her 1st sleigh ride and taught her how to ride her bike. For every 1st, her Superhero Big Brother was there!

For a monumental event in our family’s life, click this link: BHUp   

Click here for The Making of a Superhero: Superhero Big Brother


The Dauntless Chronicles ~ Teen Interview

Friday, January 22, 2021 by  

#1 International Bestseller in 2 categories and #1 US Bestseller & #1 Hot New Release in 3 categories on Amazon ~ The Dauntless Chronicles!! Written by two 14-year-olds, this multi-planetary, multicultural universe is filled with epic adventure & young romance as narrated from the perspective of teen aliens who crash land on Earth.

From exceptional technical descriptions of the spacecraft, locomotive and ships, and from dragons to ice planets, war to secret missions, these young teen coauthors produced riveting plot twists, intense action and suspenseful turns while incorporating the powerful themes of family, friendship, loyalty, and love.

An exciting escapade & intergalactic treasure for readers of all ages! The Dauntless Chronicles – Book 1 (454 pages) – go to TheDauntlessChronicles.com for more info or to submit FanArt!!

Willow & Anthony talk about worldbuilding & lore, gods & goddesses, etc., in this short interview:

bright spot flowerThe Bright Spot – This book is riveting! Visit The Dauntless Chronicles!


Our Soldier Surprises His Sister at School!

Sunday, December 22, 2019 by  

Our son is a Soldier in the Elite 82nd Airborne Combat Aviation Brigade.

Our B-e-s-t CHRISTMAS ever as he comes home unexpectedly & surprises his sister at school after being away for a year!

Starts off with a few kids, then hundreds gather to form a huge semicircle to witness the surprise! The Principal says he saw a horseshoe form with nearly 600 kids!

Thank you to all of the students who came up afterwards & thanked our son for his service! 

Credit: Buddy Brown, Lyrics: Daniel Brown, Album: Deep South ~ Stop When You See a Uniform

Click this video below:

So proud our son has earned the Meritorious Unit Citation, the Presidential Unit Citation, National Defense Service Ribbon, Joint Meritorious Unit Award, his Aviation Wings, the Marksman Sharpshooter Award & he proudly wears the French Fourragere of the Ordre de la Libation awarded to the 82nd Airborne during the Historic Battle of Normandy. 
Then our Soldier surprised his Grandma ~ we love those outstretched arms!!
A woman sitting at the next table cried during this reunion. It was overwhelming & beautiful for all.
bright spot flowerThe Bright Spot – Celebrating the holidays together!!


Dress Blues

Friday, May 31, 2019 by  

“A much-anticipated & well-earned graduation celebration…on this momentous day, these Soldiers join the ranks of the world’s finest Army. The Soldiers have been infused with the Army’s 7 core values: loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage.” (Fort Jackson graduation booklet)

Less than 1% of the US population serves. The United States has over 1.4 million troops including 865,000 in reserve.

Fort Jackson is the US Army’s main Basic Combat Training hub producing over 60,000 trained, disciplined & physically fit warriors per year!

The Fort is a phenomenon unto itself: 81 square miles – that is 4 times the size of Manhattan!! Yeah, digest that for a moment. 52,000 acres with over 1,000 buildings & 10,000 folks at any given time.


We had no contact with our son aside from (2) 27-second phone calls November till Christmas, then after the holiday break, click:(Boots in the House), there was zero contact allowed except letters so our family activity from January 3 – February 5 was to send him 24 letters.

Remarkably, the hardest part of those months was The Forge – which actually started on his birthday! THE FORGE: 96 grueling hours with less than 10 hours of sleep on little to no food * 54-mile walk with 80 pounds of gear within the 52,000-acre fort * live fire overhead day & night with simulated combat testing all limits of human endurance.

“Since 1917, Fort Jackson has carried out its sacred responsibility of “Forging America’s Army” by transforming civilians into Soldiers. These Soldiers are the lifeblood of the readiness of the United States Army.” “Basic Combat Training transforms volunteer civilians into Soldiers…ready for close combat…through realistic training…including marksmanship, hand grenade employment, and chemical, biological and nuclear survival [including radiological]…with field training and testing through The Hammer, The Anvil & The Forge.”

10% don’t pass. They must undergo training again…and clean the stadium after graduation!






Our son was one of the last 48 Spartans. After graduation, the Soldiers packed & left at midnight for their advanced training locations. Our son was transported to Virginia where he will train as a Black Hawk engineer and is commissioned to serve 8 years (6 active/2 reserve). He was voted by his peers at combat training most likely to stay in the military making it a 20+ year career. Sounds about right! 








Joint Base Langley–Eustis is the only Black Hawk training facility in the world! There are Soldiers from many different countries studying at this U.S. Army Aviation Logistics School.

                    1/3 of the advanced training Soldiers are booked for the Night Owl shift – school classes from 1am to 7am!! That’s what he was assigned.

Uh, let that sink in for a moment. Wakes at 9pm for breakfast, physical training & studying till midnight, classes 1am to 7am!!

Every class is intense & chock-full of information. If any Soldier misses a single class during Advanced Training, they are sent back to the 1st day. No exceptions. It’s like Chutes & Ladders on speed with every chute back to 1st place!!

Our son will be part of the 18th Airborne Combat Aviation Division, part of the      1st-to-Deploy Emergency Responders Unit! Oh, boy.


But the good news is that his barracks are brand new – he doesn’t have to room with 60 guys now, just 3 to a room and we can Facetime him!!! 

Dear son, we are soo proud of you!! Congratulations & well done getting through the rigors of combat training & good luck on your studies! (See latest UPDATE below the video!)

What makes me so happy is that our son is very happy with his decision. Thank you for choosing to protect our country!! 


Here are highlights by Videorama Productions from this beautiful graduation: Click this video to enjoy:

Also, be sure to see the new UPDATE below following this video!


Update June 2019

Proud our son was selected as Master Sergeant of Leadership for a platoon at his base in Virginia. And with his outstanding performance during advanced training, he has now been commissioned to our nation’s premiere US Army’s Elite 82nd Airborne Division, regarded as the best-trained infantry on the globe. (Photo Credit: US Army / 82nd Airborne Division / Staff Sgt. Kissta DiGregorio)

Unfortunately, that also makes them the Department of Defense’s #1 responders to crisis contingencies worldwide within 18 hours. Scary, but we pray for peace for all! (Photo Credit: US Army)


Our 82nd Airborne Black Hawk Engineer has also been recommended for Flight Instructor.

Meanwhile, when he does have downtime, he’s relaxing with this adorable little kitty who belongs to his battle buddy & wife who live on base.

In July, he’ll move to North Carolina to the largest military base by population in the world with over 50,000 active duty personnel on more than 163,000 acres covering 4 counties. (Manhattan is 14,000 acres)

bright spot flowerThe Bright Spot – We are thrilled with all of your accomplishments, dear Son, and look forward to your wonderful future ahead!! 

The AA on the 82nd Airborne patch means “All American!” He just received it with his wings yesterday!! So proud!!



Boots in the House!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018 by  

Like Boots on the Ground, Boots in the House is what it’s called when your soldier is home!!! Songs like “I’ll be Home for Christmas” were so much more than a pretty tune. After our son’s decision to leave the comforts of home, great job and lovely girlfriend to defend our nation and commit to 6 years active duty (click: BHUp), we were so happy to hear the only time in the year recruits come home during their 10 weeks of basic combat training is for the December holiday season. We were so thankful especially since there was no communication aside from two 27-second calls saying he was there and fine.

Friends & strangers writing to me as a new Army Mom offering support often said he’ll leave a boy & return a man. It’s only been 4 of the 10 weeks and they were right. His stance, carriage, conversation, so confident, so strong. Army Strong! Mind-bogglingly, the Army has already spent $77,000 per recruit the 1st 4 weeks on weapons, 80 pounds of equipment, supplies, etc.

The 52,000-acre Army Basic Combat Training hub at Fort Jackson, South Carolina with over 100 ranges & 1,160 buildings produces over 60,000 trained, disciplined & physically fit warriors per year!  

Our son left Fort Jackson with 6,824 other soldiers snapping this photo before heading out. He said it was like a sea of green flooding the hallways of the airport.

All the soldiers were given a message in a Coca Cola bottle & a young boy ran into the airport store and bought our son an ornament to thank him for his service. He said the public outpouring of American support was overwhelming and heartwarming. 

He surprised his little sister (click: Superhero) by walking into a coffee shop while she waited for me. I wanted so much to catch the moment but I stayed away or his wish could have been ruined. A neighbor’s grandfather saw it all for us. As this granddad, our son & daughter describe, he walked in the bustling shop and she looked at him for a long moment trying to comprehend what was happening. He looked like her brother, but he was not due. It took a few seconds to realize this buff, clean-shaven fellow with dark-rimmed glasses (Army-issued ballistic lenses!), standing tall before her was her Superhero Big Brother. She burst upright shrieking with delight as she leapt into his arms & they hugged for ages.

He arrived on my husband’s birthday, what a celebration! In a nutshell, here are some things we learned about. He didn’t sleep the 1st 50 hours & didn’t have time to think of the sleep deprivation as they had the recruits moving constantly through the initiation phase including a 2-sided line of every vaccine imaginable for soldier warfare
warfare readiness including anthrax, typhoid, yellow fever, small pox, etc. 

The soldiers are up every day at 4am for 17 hour days except Sundays. The have 5 minutes to be ready. They have 5 minutes for meals. They learn to shovel down food no matter how hot & run back to training immediately.

Disciplinary Action – if one person does something wrong, that person does not get punished. Everyone else is punished and the person has to stand and watch. Yup, that’s one quick way to get everyone on the same page!! And yes, drill sergeants do yell at the top of their lungs as the rim of their hat hits your forehead.

2 challenging tasks included rappelling down the 50-foot wall & taking off their masks in a gas chamber.

Everyone has been so supportive of our son’s decision. There’s only been one person who balked when she found out. The problem is that he was standing right next to me and was going to leave shortly. He had no idea what he was in store for and she’d known him 10 years. Her reaction gutted me. If she were that anti, she could have told me privately. It was so sad because he was right there. I asked him how he felt when we were in the car. “Don’t worry, Mom. I stand by my commitment to defend this country and its freedoms, and I’d die for her, too. That’s what freedom means.”

Interestingly, visiting a friend’s home with him during this holiday break who is so anti-gun she helps run the campaign on a local level, she greeted him with a hug saying she understands the great sacrifice he’s making for our nation’s defense and introduced him to her grandson saying, “This is a real soldier.” She melted my heart.  

The Army has felt the latest generation of new recruits has often been undisciplined, disrespectful and overweight. A tougher regime of physical training beyond human limits meant to prepare for any combat situation has been implemented to ensure our American soldiers remain the strongest in the world.

  • By Joseph Cranney jcranney@postandcourier.com April 8, 2018
  • To cap the 10 weeks of basic training… Army trainees must pass …a final test â€” a simulation of a nighttime invasions staged in the woods of the 52,000-acre base.
  • Over 4 days, the course tests recruits on virtually every aspect of their training — including patrols, obstacle courses, hand-to-hand combat and more than 45 miles of marching.
  • The course is part of the Army’s response to a call from leadership for tougher, more physically fit soldiers …
  • It’s also intended to address the Army’s concern that an emerging generation of trainees grew up with less exercise and are less attuned to discipline.
  • The Army calls its new training course The Forge, akin to the final stage of hardening a metal. Like the similarly challenging Crucible for Marines, completing The Forge is now a prerequisite to becoming a soldier.
  • Trainees leave their barracks at midnight and return after 96 hours of missions with light rest. They sleep on the ground in the woods…
  • Army leaders said it stands to become one of the military’s most grueling tests.

Our son heads back for the final 6 weeks of combat training & The Forge before graduating & taking the walk above as graduate, team member, soldier. Then he’ll head to Virginia for training as a specialized Black Hawk Engineer.

bright spot flowerThe Bright Spot – He loves his decision & has no regrets.

I miss our son so much! It’s hard for a parent. Even the tree at our CVS looked camouflaged!

God bless you, dear son, as you head into your new future.

And God bless our troops here & abroad.





Black Hawk Up!

Monday, November 19, 2018 by  

Today marks a monumental change for our family that affects all of us especially our daughter.


Her Superhero left home today.   

For a long time.

Click this link for: Superhero 

We are a particularly close family. This is big for us.


(Our son telling his sister the news)    
(Looking over the enlistment papers & his future career path)

An officer picked him up from the house; he will fly to South Carolina for the U.S. Army Aviation division.

He made the decision 3 weeks ago to defend & protect our nation & honor all those who have gone before him. 





It all happened quite quickly. He will become a Black Hawk engineer. The UH-60L Black Hawk starts at $5.9 million.


We thought it would just be for 2 or 3 years. He has been commissioned for 6 years!!!                                       

(Credit/3 photos: AlphaCoders.com  Lockheed Martin/Sikorsky Military UH-60 Black Hawk)

We celebrated Thanksgiving with him last Wednesday; he will be home for a few days for Christmas. We will have no contact with him except for 2-3 minute phone calls on a Sunday, only if earned.

On our last full day yesterday, 9 of us including his girlfriend and some friends enjoyed a memorable lunch & show at Medieval Times.    

Our family had breakfast this morning together and our children hugged their good byes. Our little one left for school with a brave face although her heart was breaking.

I’m glad for the hustle & bustle of the holidays so we can’t focus on the emptiness in our hearts during the coming weeks.

We thank everyone for the countless emails, texts, etc., pouring in. Here are a few:

From our daughter’s principal: “How proud of your son you all must be and I must say that I am too! I am sure this is difficult on all of you, in spite of the pride, but clearly your daughter will miss him tremendously. We will be sure to be of any support we can. Next time you speak with him please send him my best.”

Jane Fendelman, author, therapist & recurrent guest on “Let’s Talk!” wrote, “It takes a very generous heart for a mom to be happy for her son stepping out in a whole new way. His life is going to expand times 100.”

One of our daughter’s 6th grade teachers wrote, “Tell your son thank you for his service – it takes a strong person to join the army. What an amazing role model he must be for his little sister.”

One of her 8th grade teachers wrote, “My family is a big fan of Black Hawks! I have the utmost respect for her brother. What a selfless and generous decision.”

Our daughter’s 2nd grade teacher wrote, “WOW! Proud mama moment! I’m sure you have a range of emotions with this one. Hang in there and know that his service is much appreciated.”

Oh, yes, the emotional pendulum is swinging, that’s for sure. Proud, happy, sad, nervous, excited, thrilled. He just left a few hours ago and we miss him so much already!

I suppose a uniform was always in our son’s future. From the time he wore the cap of one of New York City’s Finest to the moment the Associated Press captured this photo at the 9-1-1 Memorial at Yankee Stadium, he proudly wore his uniforms as a Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Volunteer Firefighter & Cadet at Valley Forge Military Academy & College. 

The Academy was founded in 1928 by Lieutenant General Milton G. Baker. The 1st cadet to enroll was Guy Wheeler, Jr., who graduated in 1934. He was awarded the Outstanding Alumnus Award given for outstanding service to the school.                          (Fellow cadet & our son long ago)




General Baker awarded this flag to Cadet Wheeler, Jr., for his services to the school. The flag hung in his office until his retirement. Following his death, he was buried next to the chapel at Valley Forge and the flag was given to his son, Guy Wheeler, III, an alumnus of Valley Forge, Class of 1968.


Mr. Wheeler presented this flag to our son on July 15, 2008 for his inspiring passion and love of VFMA&C.









I’d like to say I’m prepared for what lies ahead, but, in truth, I am not.

It’s all happening so fast. I received an informational email with the Subject line: “Welcome to the Army Family – Pre-Ship Parent Information” followed

 by “I welcome you because as the parent of a soldier, you, too, are serving in the United States Army.”

Daunting. But the email is full of links, videos, seminars (one is tomorrow night – my husband & I will log into it to learn about the 1-2-3’s of the Reception Battalion and Basic Training before our son’s specialized training begins in his chosen field. 

bright spot flowerThe Bright Spot – Proud of our son. Proud of our country. Proud of all who serve. God bless America!

Well, here we go! Maybe you’ll leap right into something you’ve always wanted to do & see what new adventures lie ahead. Until we leap into his arms again, we will miss him with all our hearts. We love you, dear son!

See how our Darling’s brother became a Superhero, click here: Big Brother 


My Caped Crusader

Saturday, May 28, 2016 by  

Phillip Let's Talk radio host cravat coat and tails handsome man sexy man confidence confident man

Whether my dear husband is busy

at Gotham City’s Sherry-Netherland’s Doubles on 5th Ave sweeping ladies off their feet…

                                             Batman Caped Crusader Sherry-Netherland Hotel New York City Gotham City Doubles Club private club man The Caped Crusader Batman lifts woman Batman saves woman Gotham City New York City Doubles Club Sh_

or me off mine…  Bianca and Phillip happy couple sexy embrace long hair sexy hair 

… giving speeches Phillip Let's Talk radio host giving speech man giving speech castle beautiful painting beautiful frame

or playing Cricket…

Cricket Phillip playing Cricket Phillip Let's Talk radio show host cricket match in England

Bentley Phillip sports cars Bentley sports car man in business suit Host of Let's Talk radio show chillin’ or racing Lamborghini black Lamborghini sexy husband sexy car

giving sweet baby kisses

          Dad kisses newborn dad kisses daughter dad kisses little one kisses kiss for daughter kiss for newborn _   Batman kisses princess little daughter kisses dad dad kisses little daughter princess Caped Crusader

and super Daddy hugs…

Dad greets daughter with outstretched arms daughter runs into dad's arms outstretched arms snow hug snow _ Dad hugs daughter dad embraces daughter dad embraces little one snow hug snow embrace

Dad and son son climbing on Dad's back pumkin carving son with sweet smile   Dad and son in car Dad cuddles son loving dad adorable son sweet father and son

Loving family gala event parents and son loving embrace tuxedo and gown Happy family Father mother and son parents and son New York Yankees family in embrace New York City holidays in New York City happy family son sits on top of father's shoulders loving family

nca and Phillip Parents with son and dog smiling family Let's Talk radio hosts gala event gala son in g_  Dad holds up daughter daughter in blue dress proud dad dad and daughter being silly

 …corporate by weekday and

New York Stock Exchange, Opening Bell, NYSE 2011

Hearth Warrior by weekend

Carpentry drill sexy husband hanging shelves hot legs sexy legs handyman Carpentry drill hot husband hanging shelves hot legs sexy legs handyman Carpentry drill sexy husband hanging shelves hot legs sexy legs hot handyman

(God, I love those legs!)

…and whether he’s playing peacefully or keeping the peace,

k Engine dad plays with little one dad and daughter play trains Cinderella Cinderella dress costume Cin_ Caribbean baby pulling hair baby pulling brother's hair bandana on head happy family

up in the sky or under water,

Helicopter flight helicopter with toddler Dad and daughter on helicopter flight    Dad and son scuba diving Caribbean scuba diving scuba diving A-ok

dressed up…

     Phillip on the phone Phillip Let's Talk radio host diamond and gold cufflinks cufflinks diamonds    Phillip Let's Talk radio host dashing man handsome man confidence confident man

dressed down, OR…

 Phillip Let's Talk host Tommy Hilfiger Army hat Army 4th of July  Dad fixing car Dad fixing while kids watch Dad and 2 kids Phillip Let's Talk radio host  Phillip in the kitchen Phillip cooking Phillip at brunch kitchen cooking brunch

barely dressed…

anca & Phillip Bianca Tyler Caribbean tiki huts Turks & Caicos happy couple on beach Honeymoon embrace_  

Phillip is funny and

Phillip & Bianca Country Club world travel Millennium England at Millennium party hats Bianca and Phillip Bianca Tyler

Bianca Tyler Bianca and Phillip Gala tuxedo joyous event   couple gala gala event full length black and white coat spotted coat smiling couple Bianca Tyler black_

2011 Gala Bianca & Phillip Let's Talk radio hosts event Bianca Tyler Miss Connecticut summer gala Happy couple Phillip and Bianca love embrace smiles joyous couple

great fun to be around.

Bianca and Phillip party time gala having fun loving embrace diamond necklace diamond and sapphire neck_  Motorcycle Phillip on yellow motorcylce Triumph motorcycle English countryside motorcycle  Skiing Family skiing Parents and son skiing ski suits snow suits happy family

A wonderful father,

Central Park Horse Carriage New York City happy family huge smiles smiling family parents and son - a  Beach house Father teaches daughter to walk toddler walking walking toddler beach view water view

an animal lover and protector,

Hugging a dolphin dolphin hugs Phillip hugging a dolphin Phillip Let's Talk radio host bandana warm emb_   Snapping Turtle huge turtle saving turtle

a loving husband and great friend to all who know him, I am proud to be his wife, his lifelong partner, his other half.

Bianca & Phillip married couple happy couple sexy embrace Bianca Tyler Let's Talk radio hosts   Phillip Let's Talk radio host father great father amazing husband

Bianca and Phillip radio station radio show hosts Let's Talk radio show

I’m also proud to work together as co-hosts on our Live radio show, “Let’s Talk!” about Life, Love and Parenting archived on this site after each show for your listening convenience.

Batman Marilyn Monroe Sherry-Netherland Hotel Doubles New York City


The Bright Spot bright spot flower – I could not think of a better person to take this life journey with! Take a moment to think of all the reasons you love your special someone and go give that person a big kiss! I’ve just finished this story and am looking for my Batman, my Caped Crusader, my darling to give him a big smooch!  😉 b


Who is Hofinger?

Wednesday, May 4, 2016 by  

Our son loves his car! L-o-v-e-s! Yup, that’s him playing in the snow.

He worked hard for it and earned it completely on his own. It used to be black. Last year, this high performance baby came home white ~ satin pearl matte wrap. That all sounds lovely but what I think is really neat is his appreciation for the fine craftsmanship of this Mercedes-Benz AMG.

AMGs are hand built by one specialty engineer. It’s known as the “One Man – One Engine” philosophy. When our son saw his 

engine was signed by Thomas Hofinger, he had the signature made into a slate grey adhesive that proudly – yet subtly – adorned the corner of his black hood. He had the signature remade when he changed the car to white.

One day, a father who was at an event we attended started a conversation with my husband who was wearing a baseball cap with the Mercedes logo on it. They started talking about cars when the man told him he worked for Mercedes. My husband said our family has enjoyed the brand for decades and showed him a photo our son took of his car with the signature. “Oh, nice to see how much he loves his car, why don’t you give me your address, I’ll send him something.” We thought a cool Merc key chain or pen would be a nice surprise for our son especially after all his hard work. 

Time passed and life continued its routine. Then about a month later, a large cardboard envelope arrived in the mailbox. We all nearly fell over! A letter & photo of Thomas Hofinger saying he was “honored and stoked” to see his name on the hood of our son’s beautiful AMG!! It was just so cool!! And so unexpected!! It made the car come to life even more. “Let her roar and soar!”

In my story, “Encourage & They Will Excel” (click: Excel), I explain my husband’s & my belief in not “pushing” our children, but rather encouraging them with an array of opportunities & unconditional support. When our son, an Operations Director at a national company headquartered in NY, said he wanted to start a photography business, we were excited for him. He invested in a great camera, lenses, Flickr, and we supplied accessories, tripod, URL, etc. 

He has a passion for cars and wanted to center his photo art on that industry traveling weekends to car shows and enjoying time with his car buddies. Our son named his company Geared Photography – decidedly apropos. 

Fast forward a few years of hard work and his pics have been seen in lots of cool places including DriveTribe, the new website for The Grand Tour.

To see some more photos, click: Geared Photography. (Please note: A friend of our son’s is nicknamed Saucy – he’s a fellow photographer & car buff, too, and the 3 photos he took of our son are watermarked accordingly.)

 bright spot flowerThe Bright Spot – Watching your kids grow up doing what they love!

Our love for Mercedes runs deep ~ my father in his cherished Adenauer long ago. He’d be very proud of our son’s diligence. Miss you, Daddy.


The 1-Eyed Teddy Bear

Monday, May 2, 2016 by  

The point of this story need not identify of the owner of the 1-eyed teddy bear, but rather WHO this fellow is made all the difference in saving our son’s cuddly animals.

The man actually cannot be identified because he is a secret agent on a very significant level. He is close to our family and we all adore him but we keep conversation limited to family stuff, old friends, or school happenings. He signs his holiday envelopes as James Bond. It’s all very cool in a surreptitious kind of way, the “secret” in secret agent makes it sound so hush-hush, and the undercover missions we are never allowed to know about are wrapped in clandestine mystery. All very exciting, so what does this have to do with stuffed animals?  Proud of our son, strapping young man, England, Abercrombie & Fitch

Our eldest is a strapping 24-year-old dude with beer posters in his room and a steady girlfriend at the helm.

Siberian tiger, blue-eyed tiger, white tiger, little boy, stuffed animals, cuddly animals, The 1-Eyed Teddy BearRewind about 14 years and here was a kid with a ton of stuffed animals, some from babyhood, others won at the amusement park, many from the big glass box with the grabber handle thingie at the diner. An admirer of big cats, one of his favorite was a huge white tiger with sharp blue eyes.

For a long time, my husband felt our son needed to unload his cuddly animals. I’d protest seeing the quiet sadness in our child’s eyes. The subject came up at significant milestones, like award ceremonies, moving from elementary to middle school, etc. I understood my husband’s point of view: he wanted to make our son grow up, be a man, get tough. I understood my son’s point of view: at that time he was still an only child and he wasn’t ready.

Then one year we visited Washington, D.C. and James Bond invited us to stay in his homThe 1-Eyed Teddy Bear, Steiff, Steiff teddy bear, old bear, loved bear, teddy bear, James Bond, James Bond's bear, James Bond's teddy bear, teddy on the bed, revered bear, revered teddye. He was away, as usual, and he couldn’t say where he was, except that he would leave the key for us under the mat. Under the mat?!? He lives with all this enigmatic secrecy but leaves the house key under the mat!

It was very exciting to walk around his home. Medals, awards, Christmas cards from the presidents over the last 20 years, and as we walked upstairs to pick out our rooms for the night, there, in the middle of the master bedroom, sitting proudly atop the big bed, was a 1-eyed Steiff teddy bear with a worn nose, an untied yellow bow & fur so loved-off and cuddled, it was a treasure to behold.

It was also ammunition to ward off any more attempts to clear out stuffed animals from our son’s room. “If James Bond can keep his teddy bear, so can I!” 
Tiger, Siberian tiger, blue-eyed tiger, students, enrichment program, enrichment school program, teacher with students, teacher and students and tiger, centerpiece of classroom, buddy for reading
So that was that. More than a decade’s passed and on his own, our son has donated his stuffed animals along the way – but that’s the important part of this story – it was on his terms, his timing and his choice of where they went. The huge white tiger is now the centerpiece & reading buddy in a fantastic enrichment school.Toys, princess dresses, dresses, playroom, play room, donation, giving (4)
I never take anything from my children without asking them. Together we donate what they choose to give up when they choose to. It teaches them to let go, to give to others and to stay organized. (Little One sorting>>)

Toys, princess dresses, dresses, playroom, play room, donation, giving (2)There is a marvelous organization called YoungLives which helps teenage mothers. Every 3rd Wednesday, the young mothers meet at a church in Norwalk, CT to learn about God and their children, plus, they can choose items they need that people have donated.

When our daughter was ready to donate her toys or princess dresses, etc., we would bring them to the church and she would see firsthand the children light up with joy as they pickedBarbies, mermaids, singers, butterfly fairies, butterfly fairy, Barbie mermaid out what they would like. She saw a little     2-year-old boy dive into her Elmo chair exclaiming, “That’s mine, I love this chair!” And little girls picking out sparkly dresses. Or Barbies. Or unicorns.Toys, princess dresses, dresses, playroom, play room, donation, giving (1)

The children were happy and it made our child well up with joy to see the kids’ faces light up while new life was instantly breathed into her cherished pieces. It deeply linked giving to pleasure. You can check out organizations in your area like YoungLives, Birthright, Hopeline or any organization that benefits a cause you believe in. We’ve also donated her crib, baby furniture and Pack-n-Plays.

Child donating stuffed animals, child donating toys, Africa, orphans, FedEx, FedEx box for donation, kindness, thoughtfulness, readiness of a child, giving

Our daughter has given up lots of her cuddly animals, even packing & sending many huge boxes to Africa.

The Bright SpotTM bright spot flower – The exciting thing about the missionary we shipped her stuffed animals toOrphans, stuffed animals, given with love, children snuggling new animals, Africa, love, swells our hearts is that they sent back photos of orphan children cuddling her animals! A fine day, indeed. Again, on our children’s terms while reinforcing a life skill of giving as a pleasure.



Our Son ~ I Blinked!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016 by  

I’m afraid I blinked.  

Our son is a young man now, working in Manhattan & making plans for his future.

A dashing big brother & owner of fast cars (yes, that’s him driving his car).

Sharing some treasured memories of a time gone way too fast from polo to the Grand Canyon to England, Caribbean, Florida, Boy Scouts, VFMA, Essex & some of the best hair-dos with every accessory! 

Yup, it’s clear, I blinked!

I’m so proud he’s grown into a wonderful young man with strong character.

To see more on this Superhero Big Brother, click these 2 stories:

A Foundation for Happy Siblings


The Making of a Superhero

bright spot flowerThe Bright Spot – The job of a parent is to love, nurture, teach and guide so our little ones become independent and loving, kind parents in their future. Please remember to stay in the moment because those moments are passing so quickly. Almost anything can be replaced except time: http://www.theletstalkmom.com/tea-talk-momversations/i-am-here-for-you/


America the Beautiful ~ September 11th Memorial

Friday, September 11, 2015 by  

“You might want to turn on the news, there’s been talk that a plane hit the Trade Center,” Phillip said to me that fateful morning 14 years ago as he headed toward Wall Street on the subway. The phone lines went down and I didn’t hear from my husband for another 8 hours. My mother-in-law was visiting from England and we turned on the TV, watching in disbelief the horror unfold minute by minute. One of Phillip’s cohorts was on the 1st plane. Phillip saw the burning towers and felt his building shake as they collapsed to the ground.

Boy Scout at September 11 memorial, Yankee Stadium, Credit-AP, September 23, 2001, Boy Scout waving flag, patriotic, New YorkWe knew 6 people who perished that day; we felt great conviction to attend the memorial service at Yankee Stadium September 23rd, 2001. Our 9-year-old son came down the stairs in his boy scout uniform, “Is this okay to wear?” We were so proud of him. Little did we know this shy young boy would appear in over 60 publications worldwide shining as a beacon of hope for many people. Credit: Associated Press

Photographers at Yankee Stadium Memorial, September 11, 9-11 Memorial, New York   Yankee Stadium, 9-11 Memorial, September 11, September 11th memorial, September 23, 2001

September 11, 2001, Scout in magazine, Credit - AP, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Robin Williams  Scouts, Boy Scout, Boy Scout flying flag, patriotism, Credit - AP, scout in newspaper Boy scout, flag, flag waving, Boy Scouts of America, Credit - AP

Family at 9-11 Memorial, New York memorial, September 11, Boy Scout and family, Credit - AP, September 23, 2001, Yankee Stadium    Scout, Boy Scout, Flag-waving boy scout, scouting, 9-11, September 11, Credit - AP    Talking to kids about terrorism, explaining terrorism, Credit - AP, explanation about terrorism, September 11    September 11 memorial, Yankee Stadium, Boy Scout, Scout waving flag, flag, Credit - AP, 9-11 Memorial
Years have passed. We prayed with our fellow congregants for continued healing and peace. New England church, congregation, steeple, steeple in the sun, steeple in the cloudsMany of the 800 members of this church either work(ed) in New York City or know friends who did. It is very personal for this community.

Church, New England church, filled church, congregants, packed houseTry to imagine voices of passion in our New England church, established 1731, singing the 4 full verses of America the Beautiful. I dare you not to cry as you read and soak in those incredible words. It just says it all – who we are, what this nation is, and where we came from.

September 11 memorial, beach memorial, 10th anniversary of September 11, CT memorial, Sunset memorialLater, we visited the September 11th Memorial in our area; it’s on the water and faces where the Twin Towers used to be.

Someone found a rock in the shape of a heart. September 11 Memorial, heart stone, heart rock, roses on memorial, CT memorial, 9-11 memorial, names of lost souls


The Bright SpotTM – God bless our country and our diverse people. We work our way through adversity by standing together.


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