Sunday, August 2, 2015 by

When our daughter turned 9, The Pearl Princess movie launched that week. “Wouldn’t it be great if I could be a mermaid, too,” our little future marine biologist dreamed.

Her party revolved around The Pearl Princess, aquariums & water events but her greatest joy was the sparkly blue fintail that awaited her!

The Bright Spot – Everything about birthdays & mermaids!! 😉
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Tags: Barbie, Barbie's The Pearl Princess, belief, best friends, birthday, birthday party, bright spot, celebration, child, children, daughter, dreams, empower, faith, family, friends, giving, great friends, home life, hope, kindness, mermaid, mermaids, movie, swim, swimming, swimming & tennis club, swimming club, swimming pool, tennis club, thankfulness, the club, The Pearl Princess, water, water slides
Filed under Momversations, Tea & Talk, Tea, Talk & Momversations
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